BC Transit
Health and Safety
Unifor Local 333BC believes member health and safety is our first priority.
Our union Health and Safety Committee works with members and BC Transit to ensure the highest standards of workplace safety are met.
If you have any health and safety questions or concerns, please contact either your job steward or a member of the Unifor Local 333BC Health and Safety Committee. In the event of an Incident or Injury please read through the Incident or Injury Sheet.
Operators please do not operate any vehicle if the mechanisms are not working properly or you do not have the required documentation. See the Pre Trip Inspection and No Go List for clarification.
Health and Safety Committee Members
Sean Isbister (Maintenance)
Pedro Rego (Maintenance)
Scott McCormick (Alt Maintenance)
Luke Hill (Operators)
Chris MS Wilson (Operators)
Jade Robichaud (Alt Operators)
Workers Advocate
Brenda Lyons
Workers’ Advocate
Unifor Local 333BC