Greater Victoria Transit – We get you there!
Unifor Local 333 BC represents bus drivers, mechanics, and maintenance workers at BC Transit’s Greater Victoria operations.
With over 650 members at BC Transit, it is Unifor Local 333 BC’s largest component.
Our union local has a long and proud history of representing transit workers in Victoria – and of negotiating strong collective agreements for our members with the employer – BC Transit.
Unifor Local 333 BC also defends our members in the workplace by pursuing grievances, health and safety concerns and other issues with management.
Standing up for our Greater Victoria riders
Unifor Local 333 BC also represents the interests of our valued riders – the people of Victoria who we serve every day of the year.
And we share the public’s concerns about these ongoing BC Transit problems:
Lack of adequate service;
Pass-ups of waiting riders;
Not enough night bus service; and
The need for more buses across Greater Victoria
Unifor Local 333 BC members stand with our riders in demanding improvements, public support for better transit is critical to winning those changes.
HandyDART Accessible transit for Greater Victoria and Duncan – We get you there!
Unifor Local 333 BC represents bus drivers, mechanics, maintenance and other workers who provide accessible transit services in Greater Victoria and Duncan through HandyDART.
Over 100 Unifor Local 333 BC members are employed by First Canada, a contracted supplier to BC Transit, provide HandyDART service.
Our union local is proud to represent HandyDART drivers and workers in Victoria and Duncan.
Unifor Local 333 BC also defends our HandyDART members in the workplace by pursuing grievances, health and safety concerns and other issues with management.
Speaking out for more accessible transit service.
Our HandyDART members and Unifor Local 333 BC also speak out for more accessible transit services for Greater Victoria and Duncan.
Drivers develop strong relationships with our HandyDART riders and want to ensure they get the service needed to travel promptly and in safety.
Greater Victoria residents who need accessible transit service can check the BC Transit HandyDART website for more details.
Medi-Van Non-emergency medical transport for Greater Victoria – We get you there!
Unifor Local 333 BC represents drivers and attendants who provide non-emergency medical transport in Greater Victoria, Vancouver Island and Greater Vancouver through Medi-Van.
About 50 Unifor Local 333 BC members are employed by Medi-Van Canada, a private company that offers transportation services to and from hospitals, clinics, personal care facilities and private residences.
Our union local is proud to represent Medi-Van drivers and attendants based in Victoria, who safely transport thousands of patients each year.
Unifor Local 333 BC also defends our Medi-Van members in the workplace by pursuing grievances, health and safety concerns and other issues with management.
Providing safe service with appropriate training
Our Medi-Van members have a minimum Level 3 First Aid or Emergency Medical Responder certificate and a class 4 drivers’ license. They are trained for patient and stretcher handling skills.
Greater Victoria residents who need information about non-emergency medical transportation services can check Medi-Van's website.